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Smiling Senior Woman

Respite Care and Day Programs

Respite Care and Short-Term Stays

At Minneola Place, A HomeBridge Community Assisted Living Facility, we understand that many families and individuals are not ready or may not need full-time assisted living residency.  Respite care is a way for seniors and other individuals to stay with us on a short-term basis to restore a caregiver's energy or to stay in an attended environment that is safe and fun while their primary caregiver is away.  Respite care can ​be for a few days or a few weeks, and can make it possible for home care to continue.


This type of short-term stay is an easy way for seniors and other individuals to transition to assisted living life, or to recuperate from a hospital stay if they aren't ready to return home alone yet.  Even on respite care, seniors will still receive all the services of our assisted living facility and can utilize the amenities and programs offered at our facility, including our fine dining services, assistance with personal care, housekeeping and laundry, and medication, health and wellness services.

Adult Day Program

Our Adult Day Program at Minneola is a great way to help ease the burden of caregivers and families alike and create an excellent community experience for everyone involved.  Our Adult Day Program at Minneola is active and enjoyable, and participants benefit from many of our services, including our exercise and activity programs, community events, and social gatherings while still returning home to familiar surroundings in the evening.  Participants of the day program may also choose to participate in our health and wellness services as well. 


Families and caregivers can use this program as a way to provide interesting and active days for their loved ones in a safe environment, attended by our compassionate and dedicated staff.  Caregivers can get some peace of mind and break from caregiving while helping prevent isolation and loneliness for their loved ones.

Contact Us to Learn More About Your Respite Care and Short Stay Options

301 S. Main Ave. | Minneola, FL 34715  |  Tel: 352-394-6619

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